Alén Diviš (1900–1956)
Items of the author
550,000 CZK
Final price:
720,000 CZK
Estimate in CZK:
600,000 – 1,200,000
Starting price: 600,000 – 1,200,000
550,000 CZK
Final price:
720,000 CZK
The Wedding Shirts – Ha, Day is Night…
Starting price:
50,000 CZK
Final price:
252,000 CZK
The Wedding Shirts – Ha, Day is Night…
50,000 CZK
Final price:
252,000 CZK
What has been decreed by fate, at man's word will not abate
Starting price:
50,000 CZK
Final price:
216,000 CZK
What has been decreed by fate, at man's word will not abate
50,000 CZK
Final price:
216,000 CZK