Jan Knap (✱ 1949)
Items of the author
No Title
180,000 CZK
Final price:
396,000 CZK
No Title
Estimate in CZK:
250,000 – 400,000
Starting price: 250,000 – 400,000
180,000 CZK
Final price:
396,000 CZK
Where There is Singing in the Heart, There the Singers Flock
80,000 CZK
Final price:
252,000 CZK
Where There is Singing in the Heart, There the Singers Flock
Estimate in CZK:
150,000 – 250,000
Starting price: 150,000 – 250,000
80,000 CZK
Final price:
252,000 CZK
Madonna with Saints (triptych)
Starting price:
80,000 CZK
Final price:
240,000 CZK
Madonna with Saints (triptych)
80,000 CZK
Final price:
240,000 CZK