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Jindřich Prucha (1886–1914) Courtyards

oil on canvas
bottom left corner
70 × 83 cm

Starting price1,300,000 CZK Final price2,400,000 CZK
Auction 84th, Lot 62 This highly dynamic work based on close observation of reality can be described as an important discovery in the work of Jindřich Prucha, an outstanding artist of the Czech modern scene. With its theme and artistic design, it belongs among the major canvases of the artist's late work and interestingly complements the triad of variant paintings with the same theme (Dvorce, Dvorce in summer, Dvorce in spring), which he painted after his return from his studies in Munich at the turn of 1911 and 1912.  As we can see from his prolific correspondence, by then he had lost his early admiration for the Bavarian metropolis, where he had gained irreplaceable experience with painting techniques, but in general was rather disappointed. A landscape artist at heart, he soon realized that the path of a figuralist chained to routine work in a studio did not fully correspond to his nature.The presented canvas, which is one of the mature fruits of the artist's effort to rediscover the lost harmony of life and harmony with nature, is in spite of the prevailing earthy colours a very dynamic scene thanks to the overall expressive brushstroke. It is full of lush shades of green and contrasting coloured nuances of washing hanging on a fence in the background. He works with sophisticated light and above all with an overall feeling of airiness, which, with a bit of imagination, a sensitive observer feels blowing off the canvas with a fresh gust of dynamically changing spring atmosphere. Jindřich Prucha's painting Dvorce is the essence of his painting personality and is comparable with works displayed in respected collections. Assessed during consultations by prof. J. Zemina and Mgr. Z. Sejček. Expertise by PhDr. R. Michalová, Ph.D., attached.
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